Search engine optimization & social Media

Technology changes regularly, especially in the world of the internet. Google changes their algorithms on how they rank organic web sites every 48 hours. What may be at the top of a search list one day, may not be the next.

Optimizing your web site for search engines and engaging into social media is a must if you want to have success with your web site. Below are many entry level services that you may purchase through our company.

Search Engine Optimization - $100.00 Set Up
This service provides a series of tools and techniques to make sure your web site is listed as high as possible in search engines without having to drop a large monthly fee for an ongoing maintenance program. Some of the techniques include carefully selecting keywords, reviewing keyword density, modifying title tags, meta tags, alt tags and more.

Google Ad Words - $75 Set Up + $25 Per Month
Guarantee your position by listing your site with Google Adwords. The more you pay "per click" raises the amount of times your web site is shown at the top and side bars of Google, therefore, bringing more qualified visitors to your web site. You may be a global competitor or keep is less expensive and focus on the local markets. We generate dozens and dozens of keywords specific for your site and monitor the results monthly for you to make sure you aren't falling behind with your competition.

Business Facebook Account - $100 Set Up +$25 Per Month
If you don't have a business Facebook account you are not keeping up with current market trends. Millions of people are on Facebook and every day more businesses fight to get more "likes" on their pages to keep in constant contact with their potential or existing customers. Get your peice of the Facebook pie and easily set up a page for your company. We will even post your updates every week for you to make sure your content is fresh for the public to view.

Company Blog Account - $200 Set Up
Word Press is a blog software that allows you to post regularly about news your company provides to the public. It may also be used for educational purposes or posting specials your business may have. The blog works best when your site is used as a resource of information to users, showing people how to do particular tasks or displaying breaking news events. If your company is a news or informational resource, we highly recommend using blog software to keep your site updated regularly.